Complaints procedure

Making a complaint

We do our best to provide you with the highest level of customer service, but we appreciate that sometimes, unfortunately things go wrong.

Letting us know when you are unhappy with your experience gives us the opportunity to put things right and make sure that we continue to improve the service we offer in the future.

If you would like to make a complaint, please see below for details on how you can get in contact with us.

  • Telephone our Customer Service Department on 0121 206 2895
  • Use the ‘Contact Us’ page on our website
  • Write to us at:
    Unit 8 Caxton Road,
    Fulwood, Preston,
    PR2 9NZ
  • Email:
Acknowledging your complaint

We understand that resolving your complaint quickly is of the upmost importance, but to ensure we reach a fair outcome for you, we want to conduct a thorough investigation, and this can take time.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint by close of business on the third working day after receipt, an acknowledgement will be sent confirming who is dealing with the complaint and when we will expect to respond to you.

Investigating your complaint

One of our trained Customer Relations advisors will investigate your complaint.

They will assess the details of your complaint thoroughly, fairly and impartially in order to reach a decision. To help with their investigations, they may need to contact you to request any additional information they will need.

Updating you

Within 8 weeks of the date we receive a complaint we will provide you with our final decision. We will confirm our decision in writing in a final response letter but we may still want to discuss the outcome with you. This letter will detail a full account of our findings and the rationale for our decision. In the event that your complaint has not been resolved within 8 weeks from the date of receipt, we will either provide you with a final response letter, or a further update on the progress of our investigation, explaining why we are not yet in a position to provide you with our final response.

At this point we will also inform you that you have the option to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and provide you with a booklet giving you further details on the service they provide.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

If you are not happy with our final response or, 8 weeks have passed since you initially raised your complaint with us you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

The Financial Ombudsman Service was set up by law to give most consumers a free, independent service for resolving disputes with financial firms.

If you have a complaint you should always contact us first. The Ombudsman will only consider your complaint once you have attempted to resolve it directly with us.

You have a period of 6 months in which to refer to the Ombudsman. The 6-month period starts from the date of the final response. The contact details of the Financial Ombudsman Service are as follows:

  • The Financial Ombudsman Service
    Exchange Tower
    E14 9SR
  • Telephone: 0800 023 4567
  • Email:
  • Website:

Contact Us

If you are interested in working with NPA, please use the form below to get in touch with us.

*This is not a claim registration form.

All fields marked * are required.

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